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Nonlinear Equations


  1. Setup

  2. Bisection method

  3. Function iteration

  4. Newton’s method

  5. Quasi-Newton method

  6. Choosing a solution method

  7. Convergence

  8. Resources


The nonlinear equation takes one of two forms.

  • Rootfinding problem Given a function f: R^n \mapsto R^n,compute an n-vector x^*, called root of f, such that f(x^*) = 0.

  • Fixed-point problem Given a function g: R^n \mapsto R^n, compute an n-vector x^* called fixed point of g such that g(x^*) = x^*

The two forms are equivalent.

  • A root of f is a fixed-point of g(x) = x - f(x).

  • A fixed-point of g is a root ot f(x) = x - g(x).

Nonlinear equations arise naturally in economics:

  • Multicommodity market equilibrium models

  • Multiperson static game models

  • Unconstrained optimization models

Nonlinear equations also arise indirectly when numerically solving economic models involving functional equations:

  • Dynamic optimization models

  • Rational expectations models

  • Arbitrage pricing models

Building on our earlier lab on the solution to linear systems of equations, often the solution to a nonlinear problem is computed iteratively by solving a sequence of linear problems.

  • sensitivity to intial condition

  • susceptible to rounding error

# from temfpy.nonlinear_equations import exponential  # noqa: F401
from scipy import optimize
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from nonlinear_algorithms import bisect
from nonlinear_plots import plot_bisection_test_function

from nonlinear_algorithms import fixpoint
from nonlinear_plots import plot_fixpoint_example
from nonlinear_plots import plot_newton_pathological_example
from nonlinear_plots import plot_convergence
from nonlinear_plots import plot_newtons_method
from nonlinear_plots import plot_secant_method

from nonlinear_algorithms import newton_method

from nonlinear_problems import bisection_test_function
from nonlinear_problems import function_iteration_test_function
from nonlinear_problems import newton_pathological_example

Bisection method

We start with the implementation (and testing) of the bisection algorithm.

  • The bisection method is perhaps the simplest and most robust method for computing the root of a continuous real-valued function defined on a bounded interval of the real line. The bisection method is based on the Intermediate Value Theorem, which asserts that if a continuous real-valued function defined on an interval assumes two distinct values, then it must assume all values in between. In particular, if f is continuous, and f (a) and f (b) have different signs, then f must have at least one root x in [a, b].

  • Each iteration begins with an interval known to contain or to bracket a root of f, because the function has different signs at the interval endpoints. The interval is bisected into two subintervals of equal length. One of the two subintervals must have endpoints of different signs and thus must contain a root of f. This subinterval is taken as the new interval with which to begin the subsequent iteration. In this manner, a sequence of intervals is generated, each half the width of the preceding one, and each known to contain a root of f. The process continues until the width of the bracketing interval containing a root shrinks below an acceptable convergence tolerance.

Signature: bisect(f, a, b, tolerance=1.5e-08)
def bisect(f, a, b, tolerance=1.5e-8):
    """Apply bisect method to root finding problem.

    Iterative procedure to find the root of a continuous real-values function :math:`f(x)` defined
    on a bounded interval of the real line. Define interval :math:`[a, b]` that is known to contain
    or bracket the root of :math:`f` (i.e. the signs of :math:`f(a)` and :math:`f(b)` must differ).
    The given interval :math:`[a, b]` is then repeatedly bisected into subintervals of equal length.
    Each iteration, one of the two subintervals has endpoints of different signs (thus containing
    the root of :math:`f`) and is again bisected until the size of the subinterval containing the
    root reaches a specified convergence tolerance.

    f : callable
        Continuous, real-valued, univariate function :math:`f(x)`.
    a : int or float
        Lower bound :math:`a` for :math:`x \\in [a,b]`.
    b : int or float
        Upper bound :math:`a` for :math:`x \\in [a,b]`. Select :math:`a` and :math:`b` so
        that :math:`f(b)` has different sign than :math:`f(a)`.
    tolerance : float
        Convergence tolerance.

    x : float
        Solution to the root finding problem within specified tolerance.

    >>> x = bisect(f=lambda x : x ** 3 - 2, a=1, b=2)[0]
    >>> round(x, 4)

    # Get sign for f(a).
    s = np.sign(f(a))

    # Get staring values for x and interval length.
    x = (a + b) / 2
    d = (b - a) / 2

    # Continue operation as long as d is above the convergence tolerance threshold.
    # Update x by adding or subtracting value of d depending on sign of f.
    xvals = [x]

    while d > tolerance:
        d = d / 2
        if s == np.sign(f(x)):
            x += d
            x -= d


    return x, np.array(xvals)
File:      ~/external-storage/sciebo/office/OpenSourceEconomics/teaching/scientific-computing/course/lectures/nonlinear_equations/
Type:      function

Let’s visualize a test function to get a sense of what result can should expect.

Signature: bisection_test_function(x)
def bisection_test_function(x):
    """Get test function for bisection."""
    return x ** 3 - 2
File:      ~/external-storage/sciebo/office/OpenSourceEconomics/teaching/scientific-computing/course/lectures/nonlinear_equations/
Type:      function

Signature: plot_bisection_test_function(f)
def plot_bisection_test_function(f):
    """Plot bisect example."""
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    grid = np.linspace(1, 2)

    values = []
    for value in grid:
    ax.plot(grid, values)

    ax.axes.axhline(0, color="grey")
File:      ~/external-storage/sciebo/office/OpenSourceEconomics/teaching/scientific-computing/course/lectures/nonlinear_equations/
Type:      function

  • The ability to vectorize functions using np.vectorize comes in very handy when evaluating functions over a grid. However, be aware that this is a simple replacement of a for loop and thus does not improve performance.

We are ready to go …


Now we are ready to check our implementation and investigate the sensitivity of results to alternative tuning parameter.

lower, upper = 1, 2
x, xvals = bisect(bisection_test_function, lower, upper)
print(f"The root of our test function is {x:3.2f}.")
The root of our test function is 1.26.


  1. Write a short test that ensures that in fact found a root of the function.

  2. Create a simple plot that shows each iterate of x and label the two axis appropriately.

Function iteration

  • Function iteration is a relatively simple technique that may be used to compute a fixed point x = g(x) of a function from R^n to R^n. The technique is also applicable to a rootfinding problem f(x) = 0 by recasting it as the equivalent fixed-point problem g(x) = x - f (x). Function iteration begins with the analyst supplying a guess x^{(0)} for the fixed point of g. Subsequent iterates are generated using the simple iteration rule

x^{(k+1)} \leftarrow g(x^{(k)})

Since g is continuous, if the iterates converge, they converge to a fixed point of g.

Signature: fixpoint(f, x0, tolerance=0.0001)
def fixpoint(f, x0, tolerance=10e-5):
    """Compute fixed point using function iteration.

    f : callable
        Function :math:`f(x)`.
    x0 : float
        Initial guess for fixed point (starting value for function iteration).
    tolerance : float
        Convergence tolerance (tolerance < 1).

    x : float
        Solution of function iteration.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> x = fixpoint(f=lambda x : x**0.5, x0=0.4, tolerance=1e-10)[0]
    >>> np.allclose(x, 1)

    e = 1
    xvals = [x0]

    while e > tolerance:
        # Fixed point equation.
        x = f(x0)
        # Error at the current step.
        e = np.linalg.norm(x0 - x)
        x0 = x
    return x, np.array(xvals)
File:      ~/external-storage/sciebo/office/OpenSourceEconomics/teaching/scientific-computing/course/lectures/nonlinear_equations/
Type:      function

Let’s visualize a test function to get a sense of what result can should expect.

Signature: function_iteration_test_function(x)
def function_iteration_test_function(x):
    """Get test function for function iteration."""
    return np.sqrt(x)
File:      ~/external-storage/sciebo/office/OpenSourceEconomics/teaching/scientific-computing/course/lectures/nonlinear_equations/
Type:      function


Let’s run and test our implementation.

x = fixpoint(function_iteration_test_function, 0.4, tolerance=1e-5)[0]

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(function_iteration_test_function(x), x)
except AssertionError as msg:

Arrays are not almost equal to 7 decimals
 ACTUAL: 0.9999965046343594
 DESIRED: 0.9999930092809364
  • This is an example of using a try-except block to explicitly handle the AssertionError. Details on exception handling in Python, see this Wiki for some more examples.

We set two parameters manually, which one is it? How about choosing different starting values?

for x0 in np.linspace(0.1, 0.9):
    x = fixpoint(function_iteration_test_function, x0, tolerance=1e-5)[0]
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(function_iteration_test_function(x), x)
        print("Success for x0 {x0}")
    except AssertionError:

Let’s look at the tolerance setting instead.


  1. Find the fixpoint of g(x) = \sqrt{x + 0.2}.

  2. How many iterations does the function iteration need? Does it depend on the starting value?

Newton’s method

Newton’s method is an algorithm for computing the root of a function f : R^n \mapsto R^n. Newton’s method employs a strategy of successive linearization. The strategy calls for the nonlinear function f to be approximated by a sequence of linear functions whose roots are easily computed and, ideally, converge to the root of f. In particular, the k + 1^{th} iterate

x_{k+1} = x_k - f^\prime(x_k)^{-1}f(x_k)

is the root of the Taylor linear approximation of f around the preceding iterate x_k.

f(x) \approx f(x_k) + f^\prime(x_k)(x - x_k).

This yields the following iteration rule:

x_{k + 1} = x_k - f^\prime(x_k)^{-1} f(x_k)

If n = 1, the iteration rule takes the simpler form

x_{k + 1} = x_k - \frac{f(x_k)}{f^\prime(x_k)}.



  1. Plot the function f(x) = x^4 - 2 and provide a rough estimate of its fix point.

  2. Let’s compute the root of the function using Newton’s method by employing the proper iteration rule:

x_{k + 1} = x_k - \frac{f(x_k)}{f^\prime(c_k)} = x_k - \frac{x^4_k - 2}{4x^3_k}

We now look at a more general implementation.

Signature: newton_method(f, x0, tolerance=1.5e-08)
def newton_method(f, x0, tolerance=1.5e-8):
    """Apply Newton's method to solving nonlinear equation.

    Solve equation using successive linearization, which replaces the nonlinear problem
    by a sequence of linear problems whose solutions converge to the solution of the nonlinear

    f : callable
        (Univariate) function :math:`f(x)`.
    x0 : float
        Initial guess for the root of :math:`f`.
    tolerance : float
        Convergence tolerance.

    xn : float
        Solution of function iteration.

    x0 = np.atleast_1d(x0)

    # This is tailored to the univariate case.
    assert x0.shape[0] == 1

    xn = x0.copy()

    while True:
        fxn, gxn = f(xn)
        if np.linalg.norm(fxn) < tolerance:
            return xn
            xn = xn - fxn / gxn
File:      ~/external-storage/sciebo/office/OpenSourceEconomics/teaching/scientific-computing/course/lectures/nonlinear_equations/
Type:      function


  • What are the important generalizations?

Let’ explore one last test function to test the interface of our function and learn something about private functions in the process.

f(x) = x^3 - 2

def _jacobian(x):
    return 3 * x ** 2

def _value(x):
    return x ** 3 - 2

def f(x):
    return _value(x), _jacobian(x)

x = newton_method(f, 0.4)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(f(x)[0], 0)

A potential shortcoming of Newton’s method is that the derivatives required for the Jacobian may not be available may be difficult to calculate analytically, or time-consuming to approximate numerically … or that it might actually fail or result in cycles.

Consider the following pathological example which has a unique root at 0.

f(x) = x^{\frac{1}{3}} \, e^{-x^2}

Signature: newton_pathological_example(x)
def newton_pathological_example(x):
    """Get Newton Pathological example."""
    fval = newton_pathological_example_fval(x)
    fjac = newton_pathological_example_fjac(x, newton_pathological_example_fval)
    return fval, fjac
File:      ~/external-storage/sciebo/office/OpenSourceEconomics/teaching/scientific-computing/course/lectures/nonlinear_equations/
Type:      function


We can derive the Newton iterates as:

x_{k + 1} = x_k\left(1 - \frac{3}{1 - 6 x_k^2 }\right)


  1. What happens when you apply Newton’s method to solve this function for different starting values?

  2. What does the Newton iterate look like for very small and very large values?

  • For x_k small, the iteration reduces to x_{k + 1} = -2x_k and so it converges to 0 only if x_0 = 0.

  • For x_k large, the iteration becomes

x_{k + 1} = x_k \left(1 + \frac{3}{x_k^2}\right)

which diverges, but will eventually satisfy the stopping rule.

Another problems might be cycles.


Quasi-Newton method

Quasi-Newton methods replace the Jacobian in Newton’s method with an estimate that is easier to compute. Specifically, quasi-Newton methods use an iteration rule

x_{k+1} = x_k - A^{-1}_k f(x_k)

where A_k is an estimate of the Jacobian f^\prime(x_k).

The secant method replaces the derivative in Newton’s method with the estimate

f^\prime(x_k) \approx \frac{f(x_k) - f(x_{k-1})}{x_k - x_{k-1}}

The secant method is so called because it approximates the function f using secant lines drawn through successive pairs of points on its graph.


Let’s start with a crude implementation to make sure we understood the setup correctly. We will use this to show the lambda functions, see here for details.

f = lambda z: z ** 4 - 2  # noqa: E731
x, xlag = 2.3, 2.4

for it in range(50):
    d = (f(x) - f(xlag)) / (x - xlag)
    x, xlag = x - f(x) / d, x
    if abs(x - xlag) < 1.0e-10:

print(f"Root of our example function {x:5.3f}")
Root of our example function 1.189

Broyden’s method is the most popular multivariate generalization of the univariate secant method. Broyden’s method replaces the Jacobian in Newton’s method with an estimate A_k that is updated by making the smallest possible change (measured by the Frobenius norm) that is consistent with the secant condition:

f(x_{k + 1}) - f(x_k) = A_{k+1} (x_{k+1} - x_k ).

This yields the iteration rule

A_{k+1} = A_k + (f(x_{k+1}) - f(x_k) - A_k d_k)\frac{d^\prime_k}{d^\prime_k d_k}

where d_k = x_{k+1} - x_k. Often A_0 is equal to the numerical approximation of f at x_0. The remarkable feature of Broyden’s method is that it is able to generate a reasonable approximation to the Jacobian matrix with no additional evaluations of the function. This approach is readily available in scipy.

rslt = optimize.root(f, 1.0, method="broyden1")
print(f"Root of our example function {rslt['x']:5.3f}")
Root of our example function 1.189

Consider a market with two firms producing the same good. Firm i’s total cost of production is a function of the quantity q_i it produces.

C_i(q_i) = \frac{\beta_i}{2} q_i^2

The market clearing price is a function of the total quantity produced by both firms.

P(q_1 + q_2) = (q_1 - q_2)^{-\alpha}

Firm i chooses production q_i so as to maximize its profit taking the other firm’s output as given.

\pi_i (q_1 , q_2 ) = P (q_1 + q_2 )q_i - C_i (q_i ).

Thus in equilibrium,

\frac{\partial \pi_i}{\partial q_i} = (q_1 - q_2)^{-\alpha} - \alpha (q_1 + q_2)^{-(\alpha + 1) } q_i  - \beta_i q_i = 0\qquad\text{for}\quad i = 1, 2.


  • Compute the market equilibrium quantities using Broyden’s method for \alpha = 0.6 and \beta= [0.6, 0.8].


Choosing a solution method

We now consider a more challenging task and compare the performance of scipy’s root finding algorithms. We will use one of temfpy’s test functions for this.

Object `exponential` not found.

Now let’s see which of the algorithms performs best for a ten dimensional problem.

METHODS = ["broyden1", "broyden2", "anderson", "Krylov"]

We are ready to run our benchmarking exercise.

def exponential_function(x):

    x = np.atleast_1d(x)

    p = x.shape[0]
    rslt = np.tile(np.nan, p)

    for i in range(p):
        xi = np.clip(x[i], None, 300)
        if i == 0:
            rslt[i] = np.exp(xi) - 1
            rslt[i] = (i / 10) * (np.exp(xi) + x[i - 1] - 1)

    return rslt

np.testing.assert_almost_equal(exponential_function([0, 0]), [0.0] * 2)

columns = ["Algorithm", "Sample", "Success", "Iteration"]
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)

for method in METHODS:

    # Ensure that all have same test problems.

    for _ in range(PROBLEMS):

        x0 = np.random.uniform(size=DIMENSION)

        rslt = optimize.root(exponential_function, x0, method=method)

        info = [[method, _, rslt["success"], rslt["nit"]]]
        df = df.append(pd.DataFrame(info, columns=columns), ignore_index=True)
/home/peisenha/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  d = v / vdot(df, v)
/home/peisenha/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
  d = v / vdot(df, v)
/home/peisenha/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in multiply
  self.collapsed += c[:,None] * d[None,:].conj()

Now we can explore the performance of the alternative implementations.

Algorithm Sample Success Iteration
0 broyden1 0 False 1100
1 broyden1 1 False 1100
2 broyden1 2 False 1100
3 broyden1 3 False 1100
4 broyden1 4 False 1100


Two factors determine the speed with which a properly coded and initiated algorithm will converge to a solution:

  • Asymptotic rate of convergence

  • Computational effort per iteration

The asymptotic rate of convergence measures improvement afforded per iteration near the solution. A sequence x_k converges to x^* at an asymptotic rate of order p if there is constant C > 0 such that for k sufficiently large,

||x_{k+1} - x^* || \leq C ||x_k - x^* ||^p.

  • Function iteration converges at a “linear” rate with p = 1 and C < 1.

  • Broyden’s method converges at a “superlinear” rate with p \approx 1.62.

  • Newton’s method converges at a “quadratic” rate with p = 2.


However, algorithms differ in computations per iteration.

  • Function iteration requires a function evaluation.

  • Broyden’s method additionally requires a linear solve.

  • Newton’s method additionally requires a Jacobian evaluation.

Thus, a faster rate of convergence typically can be achieved only by investing greater computational effort per iteration. The optimal tradeoff between rate of convergence and computational effort per iteration varies across applications.
