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from functools import partial
from temfpy.optimization import carlberg

from scipy import optimize as opt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm
import seaborn as sns
import scipy as sp
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from optimization_problems import get_test_function_gradient
from optimization_problems import get_parameterization
from optimization_problems import get_test_function
from optimization_auxiliary import process_results
from optimization_auxiliary import get_bounds
from optimization_plots import plot_contour
from optimization_plots import plot_surf
from optimization_plots import plot_optima_example
from optimization_plots import plot_true_observed_example


  1. Setup

  2. Algorithms

  3. Gradient-based methods

  4. Derivative-free methods

  5. Benchmarking exercise

  6. Special cases


In the finite-dimensional unconstrained optimization problem, one is given a function f : R^n \mapsto R and asked to find an x^\ast such that f (x^\ast) \geq f(x) for all x. We call f the objective function and x^\ast , if it exists, the global minimum of f. We focus on minimum - to solve a minimization problem, simply minimize the negative of the objective.

We say that x^\ast \in R^n is a …

  • strict global minimum of f if f(x^\ast) > f (x) for all x\neq x^\ast.

  • weak local minimum of f if f(x^\ast) \geq f(x) for all x in some neighborhood of x^\ast.

  • strict local minimum of f if f(x^\ast) > f(x) for all x\neq x^\ast in some neighborhood of x^\ast.


Let f: R^n \mapsto R be twice continuously differentiable.

  • First Order Necessary Conditions: If x^\ast is a local minimum of f, then f^{\prime}(x^\ast) = 0.

  • Second Order Necessary Condition: If x^\ast is a local minimum of f, then f^{\prime\prime}(x^*) is negative semidefinite.

We say x is a critical point of f if it satisfies the first-order necessary condition.

  • Sufficient Condition: If f^\prime (x^\ast) = 0 and f^{\prime\prime}(x^\ast) is negative definite, then x^\ast is a strict local minimum of f.

  • Local-Global Theorem: If f is concave, and x^\ast is a local minimum of f, then x^\ast is a global minimum of f.

Key problem attributes

  • Convexity: convex vs. non-convex

  • Optimization-variable type: continuous vs. discrete

  • Constraints: unconstraint vs. constraint

  • Number of optimization variables: low-dimensional vs. high-dimensional

These attributes dictate:

  • ability to find solution

  • problem complexity and computing time

  • appropriate methods

  • relevant software

\Rightarrow Always begin by categorizing your problem

Optimization problems are ubiquitous in economics:

  • Government maximizes social welfare

  • Competitive equilibrium maximizes total surplus

  • Ordinary least squares estimator minimizes sum of squares

  • Maximum likelihood estimator maximizes likelihood function


We are mostly blind to the function we are trying to minimize and can only compute the function at a limited number of points. Each evaluation is computationally expensive.



  • reasonable memory requirements

  • low failure rate, convergence conditions are met

  • convergence in a few iterations with low cost for each iteration


  • gradient-based vs. derivative-free

  • global vs. local


  • How to compute derivatives?

Gradient-based methods


  • efficient for many variables

  • well-suited for smooth objective and constraint functions


  • requires computing the gradient, potentially challenging and time-consuming

  • convergence is only local

  • not-well suited for noisy functions, derivative information flawed

Second derivative are also very useful, but …

  • Hessians are n\times n, so expensive to construct and store

  • often only approximated using quasi-Newton methods


  1. How to use gradient-based algorithms to find a global optimum?

  2. Any ideas on how to reduce the memory requirements for a large Hessian?



There is two different classes of gradient-based algorithms.

  • Line-search methods

    • compute p_k be a descent direction

    • compute a_k to produce a sufficient decrease in the objective function

Let’s see here for how such a line search looks like in practice for the Newton-CG algorithm.

  • Trust-region methods

    • determine a maximum allowable step length (trust-region radius) \delta k

    • compute step k with ||p_k|| \leq \Delta using a model m(p) \approx f(x_k + p)

As an example implementation, see here for the implementation.

Derivative-Free Methods


  • often better at finding a global minimum if function not convex

  • robust with respect to noise in criterion function

  • amenable to parallelization


  • extremely slow convergence for high-dimensional problems

There are two different classes of derivative-free algorithms.

  • heuristic, inspired by nature

    • basin-hopping

    • evolutionary algorithms

  • direct search

    • directional

    • simplicial

Test function

f(x) = \tfrac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^n a_i\cdot (x_i-1)^2+ b\cdot \left[ n-\sum_{i=1}^n\cos(2\pi(x_i-1))\right],

where a_i and b provide the parameterization of the function.


  1. Implement this test function.

  2. Visualize the shape of our test function for the one-dimensional case.

  3. What is the role of the parameters a_1 and b?

  4. What is the functions global minimum?


We want to be able to use our test function for different configurations of the challenges introduced by noise and ill-conditioning.

add_noise, add_illco, x0 = False, False, [4.5, -1.5]

def get_problem(dimension, add_noise, add_illco, seed=123):
    a, b = get_parameterization(dimension, add_noise, add_illco)
    get_test_function_p = partial(get_test_function, a=a, b=b)
    get_test_function_gradient_p = partial(get_test_function_gradient, a=a, b=b)
    return get_test_function_p, get_test_function_gradient_p

dimension = len(x0)
opt_test_function, opt_test_gradient = get_problem(dimension, add_noise, add_illco)
np.testing.assert_equal(opt_test_function([1, 1]), 0.0)

Let’s see how the surface and contour plots look like under different scenarios.

opt_test_function, _ = get_problem(dimension, add_noise, add_illco)
/Users/emilyschwab/Desktop/IAME_Work/ose-course-scientific-computing/labs/optimization/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Calling gca() with keyword arguments was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.4. Starting two minor releases later, gca() will take no keyword arguments. The gca() function should only be used to get the current axes, or if no axes exist, create new axes with default keyword arguments. To create a new axes with non-default arguments, use plt.axes() or plt.subplot().
  ax = fig.gca(projection="3d")


  • How is the global minimum affected by the addition of noise and ill-conditioning?

Benchmarking exercise

Let’s get our problem setting and initialize a container for our results. We will use the convenient interface to scipy.optimize.minimize. Its documentation also points you to research papers and textbooks where the details of the algorithms are discussed in more detail. We need to invest a little in the design of our setup first, but then we can run the benchmarking exercise with ease and even adding additional optimization algorithms is straightforward.

ALGORITHMS = ["CG", "Newton-CG", "Nelder-Mead", "Diff-Evol"]
add_noise, add_illco, dimension = False, False, 2
x0 = [4.5, -1.5]
opt_test_function, opt_test_gradient = get_problem(dimension, add_noise, add_illco)
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Iteration", "Distance"], index=ALGORITHMS) = "Method"

Let’s fix what will stay unchanged throughout.

call_optimizer = partial(
    options={"disp": True, "return_all": True, "maxiter": 100000},

We prepared some functions to process results from the optimizer calls.


Conjugate gradient

method = "CG"
res = call_optimizer(method=method)
initial_guess = [4.5, -1.5]
df = process_results(df, method, res)
plot_contour(opt_test_function, res["allvecs"], method, initial_guess)
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.000000
         Iterations: 1
         Function evaluations: 3
         Gradient evaluations: 3
<module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from '/Users/emilyschwab/miniconda3/envs/ose-course-scientific-computing/lib/python3.8/site-packages/matplotlib/'>


method = "Newton-CG"
res = call_optimizer(method=method)
initial_guess = [4.5, -1.5]
df = process_results(df, method, res)
plot_contour(opt_test_function, res["allvecs"], method, initial_guess)
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.000000
         Iterations: 2
         Function evaluations: 2
         Gradient evaluations: 3
         Hessian evaluations: 0
<module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from '/Users/emilyschwab/miniconda3/envs/ose-course-scientific-computing/lib/python3.8/site-packages/matplotlib/'>

Nelder Mead

method = "Nelder-Mead"
res = call_optimizer(method=method)
initial_guess = [4.5, -1.5]
df = process_results(df, method, res)
plot_contour(opt_test_function, res["allvecs"], method, initial_guess)
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.000000
         Iterations: 51
         Function evaluations: 95
/Users/emilyschwab/miniconda3/envs/ose-course-scientific-computing/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method Nelder-Mead does not use gradient information (jac).
  warn('Method %s does not use gradient information (jac).' % method,
<module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from '/Users/emilyschwab/miniconda3/envs/ose-course-scientific-computing/lib/python3.8/site-packages/matplotlib/'>

Differential evolution

method = "Diff-Evol"
res = opt.differential_evolution(opt_test_function, get_bounds(dimension))
initial_guess = [4.5, -1.5]
plot_contour(opt_test_function, res["x"], method, initial_guess)
df = process_results(df, method, res)


_ = sns.barplot(x="Method", y="Iteration", data=df.reset_index())
_ = sns.barplot(x="Method", y="Distance", data=df.reset_index())

Speeding up test function

We want to increase the dimensionality of our optimization problem going forward. Even in this easy setting, it is worth to re-write our objective function using numpy to ensure its speedy execution. A faster version is already available as part of the Python package temfpy. Below, we compare our test function to the temfpy version and assess their performance in regard to speed.


It is very easy to introduce errors when speeding up your code as usually you face a trade-off between readability and performance. However, setting up a simple testing harness that simply compares the results between the slow, but readable, implementation and the fast one for numerous random test problems. For more automated, but random, testing see Hypothesis.

def get_speed_test_problem():
    add_illco, add_noise = np.random.choice([True, False], size=2)
    dimension = np.random.randint(2, 100)

    a, b = get_parameterization(dimension, add_noise, add_illco)
    x0 = np.random.uniform(size=dimension)
    return x0, a, b

Now we are ready to put our fears at ease.

for _ in range(1000):
    args = get_speed_test_problem()
    stats = get_test_function(*args), carlberg(*args)

Let’s see whether this was worth the effort for a small and a large problem using the %timeit magic function.

dimension, add_noise, add_illco = 100, True, True
x0 = np.random.uniform(size=dimension)
a, b = get_parameterization(dimension, add_noise, add_illco)
%timeit carlberg(x0, a, b)
51.6 µs ± 20.3 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
%timeit get_test_function(x0, a, b)
618 µs ± 198 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

In this particular setting, there is no need to increase the performance even further. However, as a next step, check out numba, for even more flexibility in speeding up your code.


  1. Repeat the exercise in the case of noise in the criterion function and try to summarize your findings.

  2. What additional problems arise as the dimensionality of the problem for a 100-dimensional problem? Make sure to use the fast implementation of the test function.

Special cases

Nonlinear least squares and maximum likelihood estimation have special structure that can be exploited to improve the approximation of the inverse Hessian.

Nonlinear least squares

We will estimate the following nonlinear consumption function using data from Greene’s textbook:

C = \alpha  + \beta \times Y^\gamma + \epsilon

which is estimated with quarterly data on real consumption and disposable income for the U.S. economy from 1950 to 2000.

df = pd.read_pickle("material/data-consumption-function.pkl")
realgdp realcons
Year qtr
1950 1 1610.5 1058.9
2 1658.8 1075.9
3 1723.0 1131.0
4 1753.9 1097.6
1951 1 1773.5 1122.8

Let’s confirm the basic relationship to get an idea of what to expect for the estimated parameters.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
x = df.index.get_level_values("Year")

for name in ["realgdp", "realcons"]:
    y = df[name]
    ax.plot(x, y, label=name)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x11dc95c70>

Now we set up the criterion function such that it fits the requirements.

consumption = df["realcons"].values
income = df["realgdp"].values

def ssr(x, consumption, income):
    alpha, beta, gamma = x
    residuals = consumption - alpha - beta * income ** gamma
    return residuals

ssr_partial = partial(ssr, consumption=consumption, income=income)
rslt = sp.optimize.least_squares(ssr_partial, [0, 0, 1])["x"]


  • Evaluate the fit of the model.

Maximum likelihood estimation

Greene (2012) considers the following binary choice model.

P[Grade = 1] = F(\beta_0 + \beta_1 GPA + \beta_2 TUCE + \beta_3 PSI)

where F the cumulative distribution function for either the normal distribution (Probit) or the logistic distribution (Logit).

df = pd.read_pickle("material/data-graduation-prediction.pkl")
1 2.66 20 0 0 1 0
2 2.89 22 0 0 1 0
3 3.28 24 0 0 1 0
4 2.92 12 0 0 1 0
5 4.00 21 0 1 1 1
def probit_model(beta, y, x):
    F = norm.cdf(x @ beta)
    fval = (y * np.log(F) + (1 - y) * np.log(1 - F)).sum()
    return -fval
x, y = df[["INTERCEPT", "GPA", "TUCE", "PSI"]], df["GRADE"]
rslt = opt.minimize(probit_model, [0.0] * 4, args=(y, x))


  • Amend the code so that you can simply switch between estimating a Probit or Logit model.



